
Portrait of Kate Middleton on Jelly Bean

When a couple of Somerset, in England, recently opened a jar of candy from the Jelly Bean Factory, who should appear but Kate Middleton, manifest in all its glory of jelly bean.

Wesley Hosie, 25, and his girlfriend Jessica White, 24, discovered the beans in a jar of a 700-gram of candy mango-flavoured. They thought Kate face appeared clearly in the red spots on the surface of the bean.

"As Jessica opened the pot, I saw her immediately.". She was literally lying there look to me, "Hosie said The Telegraph."

The couple kept the jelly bean and the plan to sell on eBay for about $815.

Since the royal wedding is just a few weeks, we hope to make a few books out of it by selling to a collector,"explained the Hosie.

Richard Cullen, Director General of Jelly Bean Factory in Dublin, said he was flabbergasted by the candy with a strange resemblance to the future Princess.

"This seems really incredible, I had to see bean myself to believe,"he says. ".

Now that the royal marriage is only 15 days, it seems Kate and Wills love is so sweet, even a jelly bean wants action!

