Kabul (Afghanistan) - in one of the more elaborate prison break recent Afghan history, the Taliban managed to free hundreds of prisoners from Kandahar central jail in the early hours of Monday morning by a 1,180 - foot tunnel.
Massive evasion - have not discovered until hours after that that he is more - more shaken the faith of the Afghans in their Government and intensified concerns that the released prisoners will be enhance the insurgency in Kandahar.
The escape is a blow to NATO and Afghan forces who have intensified their campaign against the Taliban in the past year and hopes to increase their earnings this summer. While NATO forces captured most of the Taliban fighters who were detained in the prison, the escape cast doubts on the ability of Afghan forces preparing to take more responsibility for the safety.
"I would call this a shameful incident that the Afghan Government," said Ahmad Shah Khan Achakzai, a former member of Parliament in Kandahar. "It is impossible for the Taliban in 500 men out of jail without the help of anyone.". I think that some people in the prison or to support the Government which has given the Taliban. … It is now clear to everyone is the corruption of the Government is. ?
IN pictures: fighting continues in Afghanistan
The prison held about 1 200 prisoners who were divided into political and criminal sections. All those who escaped were from the political section, which housed mainly people who had been arrested for involvement with the insurgency.
Although the Taliban, said that he released 541 prisoners, officials said 475 people escaped. Approximately 30 detainees are reported to have voluntarily stayed in prison.
Among those released, Taliban say 106 were commanders for the militant organization. However, Afghan authorities keep highest level Taliban detainees in facilities in Kabul or in prisons, managed by the national intelligence service, it is unlikely that prominent members of the Taliban escaped.
Activists began apparently digging the tunnel, there is, the social exodus on a passage which stretched approximately 360 metres (nearly 400 yards) five months under a main road and police checkpoints. Police officials said the insurgents dug the tunnel from outside the prison.
According to a statement of the Taliban, only three prisoners had knowledge of the escape plan. Inmates began moving through the tunnel at 11: 00 pm on Sunday evening and ends at 3: 30 a.m. on Monday morning. Suicide bombers and other activists reportedly waiting to attack if the operation was discovered, but were recalled at the end of the mission.
"The Mujahideen who participated in this operation called a great success." "The enemy even not realize or discover that we perform this operation," said Qari Yousef Ahmadi Taliban spokesman in a statement on the Group's Web site. "The most interesting aspect of this incident is that the operation ends at 3: 30 in the morning, but the enemy knew about it until the sunrise."
Following the escape from prison, Afghan and responsible police military tightened security throughout the city that they are seeking escaped prisoners. Police officials say that they have taken over some of the escapees.
7: 30, Haji Agha Lali Dastagiri, Member of the Provincial Council in Kandahar, began to receive phone calls on the escape from prison, but when he began to communicate with senior officials on the incident, he said that they were not aware of the development.
"As I was in contact with people, this incident has made residents of the town very badly uncomfortable." They feel insecure and they are worried about what will happen after today. "They are concerned, there will be more killing and violence, and they do not believe in the Government, he said."
This is not the first time the Taliban saw the day a large number of detainees in prison. In June 2008, the Group launched an attack on the jaila€ ? input main s which allowed hundreds of prisoners to escape. Sixteen policemen were killed in the attack.